Quibblo.com online polls
It's never been easier to add a poll to your blog. The above poll was created with only a few clicks on Quibblo.com. I am unsure as to how new Quibblo is, but they are generating some buzz by requesting some reviews from ReviewMe members. I for one am glad they did, as I've been looking for a site that offers a way to publish polls on my blogs, but have had difficulty finding one that is easy to use. Polls and quizzes are an underrated aspect to many blogs. They offer a way for your readers to easily participate in your blog.
Quibblo not only allows you to publish your polls and quizzes on your site, but you can have them available to any Quibblo members on Quibblo.com. If you don't want to publish your own quiz, publish one that someone else has already made. I enjoyed clicking on the Random tab and filling in a few random surveys, at the end of which, they gave me a small personality profile. The search functionality on the site is surprisingly accurate and fast to index. Immediately after I created the above poll, I performed a search for Google Analytics and was returned my poll. It's easy to register and start filling out polls immediately. I recommend you check it out yourself.
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