Saturday, June 09, 2007

Poker Forum

About 2 years ago, I started watching Texas Hold'em on TV. I'm almost embarrassed to say that I was watching celebrity poker. Watching this didn't give me any strategy insights, but it did show me the basics of how to play. I then moved on to watching professional poker on tv, which showed me some strategy that I could use in my play. An even better way to learn is to read what thousands of players are saying in a forum setting. That is why I decided to accept this sponsored review for Cards Chat.

They are a Poker Forum with over 20,000 members. You can visit the site and read many of the discussions with your guest account, or you can sign up for free to participate in those discussions. If you're interested playing online, then you will find the reviews section very helpful. This is my favorite section. They list all the major online poker sites and give very informative reviews of them. This can help you decide which site to make your primary online poker site. Since you are reading this blog, you might also find their blog useful. It makes it easy to view all blog posts related to poker strategy. Don't go to Vegas without first forming a poker strategy and don't form that strategy without research on Cards Chat.