Sunday, April 08, 2007

SEO Anyone?

You may have noticed me writing here, and on my other blogs, about generating more traffic to your website. You can do this on your own by trial and error, mostly error, or, you can try an SEO company to help you succeed. All of your traffic can't come from friends and word-of-mouth. These SEO companies can help you optimize your site for organic growth. These professional SEO companies can help you implement multiple SEO strategies for your site.

If you want to find out more of a topic, what do you do? Google it, of course. Now imagine how much more traffic you would get if you Googled a phrase that was relevant to your site and your link appeared on page one of those results. If it is the right phrase, you can generate thousands of new visitors each month. For example, if your site is similar to this one, a majority of your posts advertise for other sites. A search for the term "Internet Advertising" is searched 16,320 times every month. If your site appeared on the front page for that term, you would be bound to get some of that traffic.