Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Building and Maintaining a Blog Audience

Building and Maintaining a Blog Audience is a topic that I was planning on covering in this blog; but when the opportunity arose to have this topic sponsored by SponsoredReviews, I couldn't put it off any longer. Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, they have made this posting already on the SponsoredReviews blog. They offer up 27 + 1 (or 28 for those of us that are mathematically challenged :-) ) tips for building and maintaining a blog audience. Their list is fairly encompassing and all great tips for the new blogger to take into account.

One of their tips is to "Avoid Gimmicks". That is a good tip; as many times these gimmicks can discredit your site. I would offer, though, that the line that separates the gimmick from a great promotional tool is fairly blurry. I would like to offer up another tip that some might consider a "Gimmick".

Run a contest on your site. It can be a contest to request links to your site from other bloggers, to request comments on your site, or to subscribe to your RSS feed. Whatever you do though, make sure you give your readers a reason to participate. If it is a successful contest, your current readers will tell their friends and your traffic will increase.

If you liked this review of the SponsoredReviews blog post, check out my profile page and order up a review of your blog.