Sunday, March 25, 2007

Funny Stuff

Just connect yourself to the World Wide Web (www), which can be accessed through the Internet. You will find a lot of interesting and funny things to do when you log on to the World Wide Web. If you like reading jokes then you will be happy to know that there are a lot of websites, which makes jokes available to you. You don't even have to pay a single penny to read these jokes. You will have a fun time reading the archives of funny jokes and you will not be able to keep yourself away from these websites. These websites also accept jokes from the readers. So if you are aware of any jokes, which you think is funny and interesting then you can also share the jokes with the other users by posting them on the websites that, accept jokes.

If you are a movie freak then you will be happy to know that there are certain sites that offer reviews on different movies. Even a user is allowed to post a review on a movie. You can check out how good or bad the movie is by going through the review or the summary of the movie. After that if you think that the movie is worthy to be watched then you can go watch it with your friends. The same thing goes for music. There are sites, which offer you songs, which you can listen to online. So before thinking of getting a new album by your favorite singer or group, check out their songs on the websites first. This way you will know whether the album is good or not. You can also read the review of the music albums over the Internet.

There are so many funny and interesting things to do over the Internet. You can even upload a funny video of your own and on a website and share it with other users. Likewise, you can also check out the funny videos uploaded by other users. You will also find websites that offers online games for the users. So if you are one of those people who love to play games then you will have great time playing the games available online.

Do you know what you IQ is? If you don't then you can take an online assessment of your IQ. All that you will have to do is answer a few questions. There are so many websites that offers a free IQ assessment test to you. Just check out any one of those websites and find out your IQ score. There are also websites that accept writings for prizes. So if you are a budding writer or poet then submit your poetry or story to the website. You may just turn out to be a winner.